Monday Morning Coffee Break with Fr. Bob (Click Here) St. Vincent Virtue Presentations - (Click Here) Passing of long time VPMC Mission Team Member - Fr. Michael Mulhearn, C.M. Click to View More
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Click Picture to read about the life of St. Vincent DePaul and the History of the Vincentian Family
Welcome to the home of the Vincentian Parish Mission Center.
For over 400 years St. Vincent DePaul and his many followers (the “Vincentian Family”) have been pursuing St. Vincent’s goal of ministering and serving the poor.
The renewed Parish Mission Apostolate was established in 1974 by Fr. Carl Schulte, C.M. and Fr. Frank Crowley, C.M. with the goal of continuing St. Vincent DePaul’s purpose of doing missions in parishes to educate, evangelize and renew the poor.
The missioners from the Mission Center have been conducting “Parish Missions” throughout the United States and Canada. During that time they have conducted thousands of missions and have provided those parish communities with very unique and rewarding experiences which have made a tremendous impact on their lives and their communities.
Please explore our webpage to learn more about the Vincentian Parish Missions and how we may be able to provide your community with a inspirational and renewing experience.