Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–7/24/2024
The Beauty of It All
The picture has me really appreciate the story Jesus tells in today’s gospel. He told many stories to give people an idea of the kingdom and today’s story is about the sower and where he spreads the seeds. Nothing grows from rocky ground or soil that is surrounded by thorns and thicket. But oh when the seed is sown on good soil, it produces so much.
Looking at the flowers that grow so well and give such beauty tells us of the good soil. Jesus wants us to be the good soil where the seeds of the Gospel grow in us. Hardened hearts and distractions of the world make it so difficult for the Good News to grow in us and be shared with others. There’s no question who the sower is and He just wants us to be as receptive as beautiful flowers are to God at work. And the beauty of it all! Let all that grows be a reminder of God at work and soil that needs to be good and receptive to Him. Then the flower of God’s love will be seen in its beauty by everyone who meets us.