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Spiritual Reflection

Father Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–01/13/2021

Father Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–01/13/2021


    Last Sunday, the church started a season called “Ordinary” time and questions arise as to its meaning.  The two most important times in the Liturgical calendar are EASTER time and CHISTMAS time.  Lent and Advent are the times to prepare us for these two great events.  And “Ordinary” time is a special spiritual time when we focus on the life of Christ as He ministers in the world.

    “Ordinary” time begins with the Baptism of our Lord and the second Sunday in Ordinary time has its focus on Jesus’ first miracle at the Wedding at Cana.  It is interesting that these two events are the first two Luminous mysteries of the rosary.  We will read in the scripture during Ordinary time about everything Jesus accomplished in his lifetime, especially His gift of Sacraments such as the Eucharist.

    So, it seems obvious that this time is anything but “ordinary” but a special time for us to walk with Jesus through his public ministry, to focus on his disciples and the church He began.  It will be anything but ordinary for us if we take the time to pray, study and reflect on the Sacred Scripture we read and hear during this time.


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