Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–11/13/2024
St. Frances Cabrini
Today we celebrate in honor of St. Frances Cabrini, known as Mother Cabrini. She was born in Italy not far from Milan. She grew up learning about missionaries who gave their lives to spread the “good news” of faith around the world. It had left a deep impression on her and she became a nun and founded a group of missionary nuns. In the beginning there were seven other nuns, and they wanted to go to China to do missionary work and they went to Rome to get the Pope’s approval, and he told Mother Cabrini to go to New York and serve the Italian immigrants. They did and not only changed parents and families, but she also began to establish orphanages. Then she saw the need for health care and built hospitals. She was asked by countries all over the world to do the same as she did all over the United States. She established 67 institutions: orphanages, schools and hospitals. She could have been the original “Wonder Woman”.
It is a joy to celebrate her feast day and be reminded that so much can happen from a dream and begin with small steps and then become so big and wonderful!