Mission Center Phone Number: (913) 325-4920

Spiritual Reflection

Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–12/15/2021

Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–12/15/2021

Simple Little Things

    Greetings from Frydek, Texas!  I’m conducting a parish mission here in a little church and loving it.  First of all, the Parish Mission Team offers our prayers for the families affected by the terrible destructive tornadoes this past weekend.  My refection centers on the need for God when there are no good answers to what happens.

    The gospel today reflects on not having the answers.  John sent two disciples to ask Jesus if He really was the one they were awaiting.  Jesus said to look around and notice all those who were cured, all those who were helped.  I guess there is some answer there.  Being in this little church in rural Texas had me think about how to find some answers to life’s questions.  It’s in the simple little things.  Don’t miss His presence there.  In the midst of the tragedies from the tornadoes, there were some wonderful stories of people who cared and reached out to help in small simple ways.  So the pain of suffering will often still be there but we need to notice the hand of God in the little things.


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