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Spiritual Reflection

Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–8/21/2024

Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–8/21/2024

Feast Day of Pope Pius X

    Today is the feast day of one of the 12 Popes named Pius.  The name most often selected was John and that happened 23 times.  Pius X had such a big influence on the prayer and worship of the church today.  He was instrumental in bringing about the creation of The Code of Canon Law.  He engineered the creation of Psalter for the prayer said by ordained ministers, now known as the Breviary.  This is the prayer book that I use every day.  But Pius X was best known and appreciated for his promotion of Holy Communion, especially for children.

    Pius X grew up in a poor family and never forgot this throughout his life as a priest, bishop and pope.  One story is typical of his love of the poor.  An earthquake struck Italy in 1908 and destroyed the city of Messina and 77,000 lives were lost.  Before the government acted, Pius X took in so many refugees that the Apostolic Palace became a refugee camp. So many groups wanted to reward Pius with gifts for him and his family and he refused.  He said, “I was born poor, I will live poor and I will die poor.”

    I’m most thankful for his promotion of Holy Communion as this is at the center of my priesthood.  Join me in thanking God for such a remarkable Pope.

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