Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–9/4/2024
Remember the Greats
Yesterday was the feast day of St. Gregory the Great and I wanted to share some interesting things about him. First of all, he was just one of three popes who were called “Great”: Popes Gregory, Leo and Nicholas. Only Gregory and Leo were also declared Doctors of the Church. Title of Doctor was given to those who went out of their way to champion the faith they received at Baptism. Historians are responsible for calling different saints “Great.” And their reasoning was the same as popes who declared saints “Doctors.”
Gregory was named one of seven papal deacons but found monastic life more to his liking and became a monk who later established several monasteries. But his desire for education and knowledge of the faith led him to be called to be a bishop and later a pope. I found it meaningful to honor Gregory for his life of evangelization.
I wonder how good I am at that and always ask God to help me, for that is what our baptism calls us to do. Even today’s Gospel reminds us of never slowing up on our baptismal vocation. We heard how Jesus was mobbed by sick people after he cured Simon’s mother-in-law. He sneaked off because he said there were many more cities and towns that needed Him….We can be that “Great!”