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Spiritual Reflection

Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–05/05/2021

Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–05/05/2021

God’s Fingerprints

    One of my favorite authors is Rabbi Harold Kushner.  He wrote the famous book that helps so many people…”When Bad Things Happen to Good People”.  It’s his answer to people asking “Why” do bad things happen to good people.  We will never really know why but we can deal with “When” they happen.  God always is there and He has people there to help.

    Rabbi Kushner says that God’s fingerprints are on everything.  Sometimes it’s easy to see them when things are good and beautiful like the sunrise or sunset; or the ocean waves crashing on a sandy beach; or receiving an unexpected Mother’s Day card and gift.  It’s harder to see the fingerprints when things aren’t so good like in India.  But they’re there.  And if we want to find them, we will.  

    Check the mail…your Mother’s Day card may already be there!

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