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Spiritual Reflection

Fr. Michael’s Spiritual Reflection–04/28/2021

Fr. Michael’s Spiritual Reflection–04/28/2021

“I am the resurrection and the life” (John 11:25)

    As a preacher early in my priesthood, I had a funeral coming up to prepare for.  I decided to search through the Gospels and see what type of funeral sermons Jesus preached.  But I looked in vain.  However, I did make an interesting discovery: Though Jesus spoke a lot about death, that wasn’t the bottom line for Him.  He ruined every actual funeral He ever attended. Why? Because death could not exist where Jesus was.  When the dead heard His voice they sprang to life.  Can you find a time when it didn’t?  Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life” (John 11:25).  That good news is still true to this very day.  Alleluia to that!


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