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Spiritual Reflection

Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–10/14/2020

Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–10/14/2020

The Great Artist

    I was at a wonderful museum yesterday.  All the artwork was done by the same artist and it was beautiful.  And I’m sure you know the artist.  I was driving on the Indiana toll road on my way to Notre Dame to preside at a funeral and I turned off the radio in my car to appreciate the paintings.  The colors of the trees blew me away.  What God has given us in His creation is such a marvelous gift!

    I need to be more grateful.  The changing of the colors let me know of the changing of the seasons and time for harvest.  I also know Halloween is coming as there are pumpkins everywhere.  So how about every time you pass a pumpkin, you stop and say one “Glory Be….” to simply and prayerfully thank God.  Our Canadian friends just celebrated Thanksgiving day on Monday and I was reminded I don’t thank God enough for His creation.  

    I am aware that you who live in the western part of the country had your museum closed because of fire.  But the same artist has a museum on the coastline.  Just watch the sunset over the ocean.  You too can see the wonder of this Great Artist.

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