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Spiritual Reflection

Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–2/21/2024

Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–2/21/2024

The Chair of St. Peter

    This picture is a reminder of tomorrow’s feast day, The Chair of St. Peter.  In the pic there is a relic of St. Peter’s throne and this is at the altar in St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City.

    I have always enjoyed my visits to Rome and the Vatican, especially to be in the Basilica.  The church of my Catholic Faith and the history therein has always been so inspiring.  As I prepare to celebrate this feast of the Chair of St. Peter, I am reminded of the succession of Popes from St. Peter and following Pope Francis messages gives me an appreciation of the succession of Popes and its wonderful history.

    Tomorrow will be a day to celebrate my Catholic Faith and remember the gift of so many Popes who influenced my journey as a priest.  Tomorrow would be a good day to think about a favorite Pope and how he influenced you.  Then give thanks to God for our history as we honor the Chair of St. Peter.

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