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Spiritual Reflection

Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–07/20/2022

Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–07/20/2022

Extraordinary In Ordinary Time

    Just finished conducting an eight day retreat for the Daughters of Charity in Evansville, IN.  The theme of their retreat was “Be extraordinary in ordinary time cuz sometimes you have to create your own sunshine.”  I have often thought that the people in our lives that make a difference don’t wait for something good to happen, they just make it happen.

    These people are so needed.  They do so much for others and do it so humbly.  Sometimes no one ever knows what they do, but see the good that comes from their unselfish acts of love and kindness.  And then we experience the joy that follows their giving.  These are the people who really do create their own sunshine but in the process light up the world for others.  I am sure there are many in your life and today would be a good day to thank God for them.  They make a difference as Jesus asks us to do.  They are light and Matthew says in the gospel: we see the good they do and praise God.  For all the times you have been extraordinary in ordinary time I thank You!

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