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Spiritual Reflection

Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–12/21/2022

Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–12/21/2022

Our Waiting

    The picture that accompanies this reflection is taken in the sacristy of the Sisters, Servants of Mary chapel in Kansas City, KS.  All these statues had to wait until the gigantic crib was set up in chapel and then they were placed accordingly.  I chose this to reflect upon our waiting.  We do that a lot, don’t we?  Airports, grocery stores, Costco, Walmart, Target, etc., and especially during the Christmas season.  PATIENCE is not only desired but recommended.  We pray for that.

    I thought I would share a Christmas card I received and I don’t know who wrote the card but I like it.  “If you look for me at Christmas you won’t need a special Star, I’m no longer in Bethlehem, I’m right there where you are.  You may not be aware of ME amid the celebrations you’ll have to look beyond the stores and decorations.  But if you take a moment from your list of things to do and listen to your heart, you’ll find I’m WAITING there for you.  You’re the one I want to be with, you’re the reason I came.  And you’ll find me in the stillness as I’m whispering your name.  Love, Jesus

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