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Spiritual Reflection

Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–3/29/2023

Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–3/29/2023

Hope for the Future

    I chose this picture to remind me that there are some really good, faith-filled young people in our world. 

    Sometimes we only read or hear about all the issues created by young people who engage in drugs, stealing, shootings, skipping school and not attending church.  And then we forget about those young people who are fun to be around, attend church, work hard and have great respect for others. 

    I was reminded about these at my last mission in Howells, NE.

    I guess the message for me was to make sure I don’t judge all young people by the ones we read about or hear of about with all their problems on TV or social media. 

    These fine young men and women I met at this mission give me hope for the future.  I realize that we adults haven’t done as good a job as hoped for: wars, divisions, low church attendance, “a narcissistic culture” and so on. 

    Perhaps our hope rests on these young people who display all those great values and qualities we all treasure.  Let us all give thanks to God for them and know there is HOPE for the future!

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