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Spiritual Reflection

Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–8/2/2023

Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–8/2/2023

Wheat Fields

    The picture chosen for my reflection is one of a wheat field.  It is one that elicits wonder, praise and thanksgiving.  I chose it to call my attention to farming and those who continue in this career.  There are roughly 2 million farms in our country and about 3.5 million people engaged in farming and agricultural decisions, mostly on family farms.  On interstate highways you can see signs that indicate how many farmers in that state feed us.  Sometimes I take them for granted and not as grateful as I should be.

    I can remember when we were young, trips to a family farm of our Dad’s relatives in Brighton, Iowa.  Those were good and memorable times.  It was simpler living, no TV and a lot of  hard  work, baling hay, gathering eggs and vegetables from the garden, making butter and ice cream, etc.  We always had enough to eat and enjoyed visiting with our relatives, other farmers and each other.  Today I pay tribute to all these farmers who work hard and from my experience on missions, see their strong faith in GOD and always attending church on Sundays. 

    Bob and I enjoyed our time in Iowa as well as our sister, Mary Ann.  Speaking of her, thanks for your prayers.  Her knee replacement surgery went well and she is recuperating nicely. 

    God Bless you and your family.

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