Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–7/26/2023
God Does Hear You
The pic is of a sculpture in the Basilica of the Shrine of Anne in Canada. My brother and I led a mission cruise that ended in Quebec City, Canada a few years ago and we were able to visit this Shrine. It has been known as a special place to experience God’s healing. The sculpture is made of canes and crutches, etc. that people could discard after they experienced a miracle. The church is quite impressive.
I reflect on this today as it is the feast of Saints Joachim and Anne. They received their miracle as they begged God to have them discard their childless life and give them a gift of a child. You know the rest of the story…they became the mother and father of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Yes they became the grandparents of Jesus, so this feast has me reflect on the beauty of family as well as the goodness of God in his miracles. I thank God for the gift of your family and urge you to do the same.