Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–10/5/2022
Francis Xavier Seelos
Most of the time it is easy to know who is remembered in the Liturgy for each day. It is usually a saint that many people know, like yesterday when we remembered St. Francis of Assis. But today I was caught off guard when I picked up my Magnificat prayer book and saw that we were remembering Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos. Off guard, because I didn’t know who this was. I’m so glad that I now know.
He was a missionary (hence the picture above to show a missionary) sent from Germany to the United States and he ministered in many states here. He had a special love to serve the sick. He served soldiers from both sides of the Civil War. And when there was need for ministry in New Orleans because of Yellow Fever, he volunteered to go there. Eventually he contracted yellow fever and died while only being 48 years old. So my reminder today from Francis Seelos is to appreciate all who serve the sick. So many are unknown like Francis Seelos, but do so much good in their service of the sick. God Bless them!