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Spiritual Reflection

Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–5/17/2023

Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection–5/17/2023

Don’t Forget

    Once again, I thank you for all your prayers for the healing of my hip replacement.  I’m doing very well.  God is good….all the time.  I’m glad I learned a long time ago to just pay attention and you will remember what you forgot.  I think, that probably was from our parents if not the good Daughters of Charity at St. Pat’s in LaSalle, Illinois.

    Through my healing process and rehab, I’ve remembered how easy it is to take things for granted and forget how God is around.  Being able to walk again without pain; seeing how so many people just want to help; being aware of the talent of so many people etc., etc.  I’m remembering….and I’m very grateful.  For the past several days at Mass, I’ve listened how the apostles and disciples of Jesus were challenged not to forget what they promised to do.  And so they persevered in spreading the good news.  I too accept that challenge and continue to enjoy my call to lead parish missions and honor St. Vincent DePaul.  How have you accepted the challenge?

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