Fr. Bob’s Spiritual Reflection-8/23/2023
Golf Cart Mass
Forgive me for reflecting a little on golf today. This coming weekend is our last golf-cart mass in Grand Beach. This summer’s annual mass every weekend is quite unique as you can tell by the picture. But the joy of having Eucharist celebrated this way is just more than unusual. It is an enjoyable experience. One of the things that I really enjoy about the celebration is that the people stay after Mass and visit. It’s that “Family” part that fits so well with the Eucharist. I pray more and more parishes will share this experience of staying to visit.
I’m glad that the gospel today matches the spirit of sharing. Being generous so all could share goodness is something Jesus wanted to see more often. The feast today honoring St. Rose of Lima speaks to this as she cared so much for the poor. I look forward to our last “Family” celebration at the golf course this coming weekend.