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Spiritual Reflection

Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–05/11/2022

Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–05/11/2022

Show Me Hope

    I read somewhere the phrase, “Sometimes you have to make your own sunshine.”  I know it is not about the weather, because God’s in charge of that.  But sometimes things just don’t go well.  I thought about Noah’s Ark.  It was made before it rained.  And it was built by amateurs…Professionals built the Titanic.  So, in the midst of our trials and suffering what do we do?

    I saw a billboard recently on Interstate-70 in Missouri, rich in black and white lettering it read “SHOW ME HOPE.”  The former Bishop of Kansas City, MO, John J. Sullivan, always had a message of hope in all of his homilies.  We look for that, don’t we?  Where do we find it?  The famous writer, Belloc once said that “when the Catholic sun shines, there’s music, laughter and good red wine.”  I like that for when we are at our best, there’s music, laughter, good red wine and of course HOPE!

    So, if we feel like we are running on empty, always remember that God and His church will fill us up if we open ourselves to Him.  Those who have hope give hope to others.  On behalf of all those who have experienced HOPE because of you, Thank You!

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