Mission Center Phone Number: (913) 325-4920

Spiritual Reflection

Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–08/04/2021

Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–08/04/2021

August 4th Feast of St. John Vianney, patron of parish priests

    This Feast is a reminder of something so simple yet so sublime.  We celebrate the life of a very simple parish priest.  All John Vianney ever wanted to do was to help the poor, preach, hear confessions and celebrate Mass.  It is also an opportunity to say thank you to the parish priests who serve you.

    As priests we are so grateful for the laity.  It is because of you that we continue loving what we are called to do and pledge to minister in any way we can…As Bob and I celebrate 50 years as priests in September we are humbled that so many of you appreciate and support priests with love and generosity.  At the Mission Center, we are grateful and excited to begin conducting parish missions again in the upcoming fall and following months.

    The priests of the Mission Center are blessed to have you as followers of the WORD.  And in the words of Jesus who said he didn’t come to be served but to serve, we promise to do the same.

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