Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–09/15/2021
We Need Some GOOD NEWS
Seems that we are more hungry for good news. What we read about and see on TV doesn’t seem to elicit a great deal of immediate hope and joy. Perhaps that is why football has become so popular in our country. Not only the NFL, but college, high school and even in the grade schools where cheering for victories bring so much excitement and joy. But that joy doesn’t seem to last that long.
Perhaps a newer focus on who we are and what we do might be an answer. If you see Covid-19 it is very easy to think about the sickness, the hospitalizations, and even deaths. But if it brings to mind the doctors, hospitals, respiratory therapists, and nurses who are extraordinary heroes, we see a different victory and hope.
The word “gospel” means “good news” and perhaps Jesus has the best answer. “Rejoice with those who are rejoicing, weep with those who are weeping and bring about the best in each other through your love”. That will bring about a lasting Joy that conquers the thieves of negativism, pessimism and worry. Then we will focus on YOU who are angels of mercy and that is GOOD NEWS!