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Spiritual Reflection

Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–09/30/2020

Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–09/30/2020

Thank You Lord

    Tomorrow is October 1st.  Leaves are starting to turn colors and pumpkins are everywhere.  Time to reflect on how great creation is and how blessed we are to have God on our side.  We celebrated St. Vincent de Paul’s feast on September 27th and now we will have the opportunity to celebrate a great feast on October 2nd.  We honor and thank God for our Guardian Angels.

    How comforting to know that everyone of us has a guardian angel.  The angel doesn’t have a name but has been with us from the beginning of our lives and will guard us until we enter the kingdom of heaven.  Might be a good day to tell God thanks!

    So, in the midst of difficult times when things aren’t going the way we would like, we are reminded that Jesus told us He would be with us until the end of time and gives us a guardian angel to protect us, watch over us and remind us how blessed we are.

    I take this time to resolve to pray more to my guardian angel and to never lose faith in God protecting me.  May God bless you and also your guardian angel.


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