Fr. Dick’s Spiritual Reflection–5/22/2024
Tis the Month of May
The month of May is a special one for our Church. It is a month devoted to our Blessed Mother. Many parishes honor Mary with a special May crowning service. During this month so many children receive our Lord for the very first time, pretty special for them. Also there are many young people who receive the sacrament of Confirmation and promise to teach, pray and serve. We pray for them as they begin this important journey. Then of course there are graduations from grade school, high school and college. So many celebrations during this special month.
During May we also celebrate ordinations to the priesthood and anniversaries of priests who have ministered so unselfishly during their years of priesthood. I am grateful for so many priests who are well past their retirement age but continue to serve. I just came from Syracuse, NY and met three so called retired priests: Phil(84), Mike(87) and Ron(93) who are VERY involved in parish life. Mike has confessions and three masses on weekends plus daily services. The other two are so involved in the parish the Pastor puts them in the regular schedule. Fr. Bob lives with a priest who will celebrate his 90th Birthday in June. He says three masses on the weekend, does marriage counseling during the week and has a ton of weddings. There are many, many more still ministering because of their love of the laity. We owe them a great deal of gratitude. But at least we promise them our prayers and wishes of continued good health.